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Shahram & Shahrouz - Bargard
Artist: Shahram & Shahrouz Song: Bargard Music: Ashkan Khashaee Lyrics: Taraneh Mokaram Arrangement: Saeed Shams Label: Avang Music Executive Producer: Armin Hashemi Director: S+s Productions
Category Music Video / General
Aritst: Sogand Song: Khodaya
Artist: Siavosh Sohrab Song: Ghoroor Arrangemet: Maziyar Khademi
Music video for Solitude performed by Arash Behzadi. Site: ww.arashbehzadi.com Twitter: twitter.com/abehzadi Facebook: ww.facebook.com/abehzadipiano Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/arash-behzadi :...
TM BAX - Khoshkele Tehroon
"Dire" Ali AsHabi Directed by: Naadis
Shahab Tiam: Taghdir
Artist: Barobax & Gamno Song: Eyne Mamane Mane Music: Barobax Director: Barobax
Amir Tataloo - Ba To , Arrangement: Nader Koohestani , Director: Ardeshir Ahmadi Behind the scenes: youtu.be/_0bOQtWbqVc
Artist: Hamid Talebzadeh Song: Saniye Be Saniye Lyrics: Shaghayegh Mirzaei Music: Parviz Hasanzadeh Director: Koji
Amir Tataloo - Shohada , Arrangement : Nader Koohestani , Director : Ardeshir Ahmadi Behind the scenes: https://youtu.be/DTR-sPHn-qg