Artist: Siavosh Sohrab Song: Ghoroor Arrangemet: Maziyar Khademi
Siavash Ghomayshi : Artist: Siavash Ghomayshi Song: Navazesh written and produced: Siavash Ghomayshi arranged and performed: K.C Bondar words: Sima Abedin Label: Avang Music Director: Ravi Executive...
Saeed Shayesteh : Artist: SAEED SHAYESTEH Song: SHABE EIDA Label: AVANG MUSIC Executive Producer: ARMIN HASHEMI
Amir Tataloo - Alo2 , Arrangement: Nader Koohestani , Director: Kasra Shojaei Behind the scenes:
www.IranMusic.TV Neemeha - Kook